Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mac It

No Matter what I did, I could never wear cheap makeup, meaning Maybelline, CoverGirl, L'Oreal &Revlon, they just would never look right on my face. Then one day someone introduced me to MAC cosmetics. I love this stuff! Foundation, eyeshadow, lips gloss, &cleanising products. But let me give you reasons why MAC is so great. With all of their products, it is a constant motion. They always keep their original colors, but they get new colors depending on what is in, and the season, &the colors are absolutely amazing. There are standards, like naturals, browns, pinks, etc. but then they also have these very bright colors, that surprisingly people can pull off. Then they make this tinted lip conditioner* that is awesome. There is nothing out there like it, not neosporin lip treatment, not chap-stick, &burts bees. This moisturizer makes your lips so soft, they never crack, &it smells like cake batter. I love it, &you should try it. All MAC cosmetics are oil-free.

* lipconditioner $14.50

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